A Year of Promoting The People Who Make the Things I Love: Jan 1–Bran Crow
In 2022, I am going to spend some time each day promoting someone who makes the things I love. I started this series because I believe that we, myself included, spend so much time on social media dunking on people (however deserved) and not enough time lifting up people deserving of positive attention.
The first person I’ve chosen is magician and mentalist Bran Crow.
When I started getting a little more serious about learning card magic in June, I found the Ellusionist Discord server. It was a great place to hang out and get information, guidance, and support without judgment from people of all levels and types of magic.
Bran was a moderator of that server, and in order to join one of the channels, I had to talk to a mod. I talked to Bran, and he could not have been more welcoming and supportive.
From that day on, I consider that first amazing discussion with Bran the reason that I decided to stick around, which has led to making friendships with many amazing magicians and mentalists.
He’s currently taking a break from magic for the most part, but he has just released a new system through Orion Magic Productions called Seeing Thread.
If you want to see more from Bran, here is his Youtube and Instagram.